Bitcoin (BTC) The Gargantuan Meme Coin That Is Not Even The True Bitcoin.
How Bitcoin, BTC Is A Meme Coin That's Usefullness Other Than Bringing Society To The New Financial System, Pales In Comparison To Other Block ChainTechnologies.
Pleasant Greetings.
This is a message to illustrate several sharpened points of observation spanning the course of the last 14 years in the realm of cryptocurrency and the new digital financial system currently being implemented. The following words are going to age very well, and for those that take action and heed them, your life will be greatly altered. It would be impossible to overstate this point.
We are now at a precipice of a massive, colossal change in the way commerce is communicated or what instruments are used for these transactions. Everything from a few dollars to the movement of billions and trillions of value that is wrongly called money. What we knew to be money before is no longer, and partly the reason for this message is for you, our audience here to capitalize on the ever present digital agenda that has been unfolding now for some time.
If you take away nothing else from this note, know that a very small number of people on this planet know the details that I am outlining here. Your knowing and your action will put you at a great advantage for an opportunity that is indescribable. Hear me, for the largest transfer of wealth in history, and you can not only be part of it, but assist in leading and on the receiving end of it.
Time is of the essence.
Our Entire system of commerce and mediums of exchange for goods and services is being digitized, or tokenized if you will. Whether we like it or not the dollar and cash are rapidly perishing, as so many micro and macro indicators enumerate for anyone who will take the time to place their attention on the subject. Many of us have been writing about this time period right now for over 15 years, some much longer. However this is not such a terrible thing as much as I and many others resent digital anything, this technology is here to not only stay but also reign in many ways with gold, silver, and other precious metals. I will also add that cash, as superior as it was to any other option for private commerce, other than trading goods or services, it is still born out of a debt based system. And what an incredibly wicked scheme this all was, even from hundreds of years ago. The objective was to have common people relinquish their physical gold and silver and give them back a receipt. Same as today but far worse because now they print it. Yes the banksters kept the real currency gods mon—eye, gold and passed out iou’s. So the common people traded in paper with faces on them and the “elite” traded in earth metals. Perhaps Mr. Willie states this point more clearly— “The dollar is not money, it is “legal” tender. It is a bond coupon, and we are in the direct center of a bond default and financial collapse”.
Encouraged are the readers to read the following book, written by G. Edward Griffin whom taught me so much about what a farce as well as fiction that is our current form of fiat currency.
Why it is such an incredible time to be alive now during this greater reset is that we have the opportunity with block chain technology to not be under the control of any bank, much less the federal reserve, in which there is nothing federal about it and of course there is nothing in reserve. This is a private company ran by entities that are not even human anymore. They abuse their offices and debase and pulverize our buying power with cash simply by printing more of it to alleviate, or delay their own debt payments. These trillions of dollars are backed by nothing except more debt for common people and misplaced confidence that will continue to be passed to subsequent generations. The National Debt is not ever meant to be paid off, it was designed to fail in the first place.
That confidence is now though eroding. Even amongst the younger people of this world as they are figuring this out and realizing, even if they worked every hour of every day, of every week, they will never be in a position of any type of monetary wealth. This is because when the currency supply is increased by the criminals they are, it devalues purchasing power. As you see now the 100.00 bill although still looks the same and implies 100.00 dollars, everyone knows it buys nothing anymore. There are literal trillionaire’s in many countries that can not purchase shoes, but the legal paper in their pocket with some other criminals face on it shows 1 trillion dollars.
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This weakening of the dollar is not going to get any better, maybe for a short time it will most likely reclaim strength again very briefly for a few very solid reasons, and then it will go down, as hard as this is for me to write.
However this will be alright because this is the exact reason block chain technology was created which must have been sometime after 2001. I know this because I read the whitepapers of these projects and what their mission statements were. The most prominent ones detailed the crash we are now witnessing and how and why this trustless on chain economy is the answer. Meaning the entire reason the on chain economy is now here is because the developers knew also at that time our financial system was already collapsing. Who knows maybe they are the same ones controlling the current debt based system while creating the solution at the same time. Problem, reaction, solution as Mr. Icke has forever voiced. They create the problem, the masses react, then the heroes come in with the solution, such a nefarious game.
In short block chain technology is—
The book that can never be burned, history that can never be altered or rewritten, and as Laverde rightly exclaims, a global honesty ledger that can not ever be erased. It is triple entry accounting that is embedded into an unalterable ecosystem of accountability which replaces double entry accountancy that is easily manipulated, with a third cryptographically sealed entry.
In no way am I claiming to be any type of expert concerning block chain technology. However, I do not have to be. I simply need to recognize who the true ones are, and be aware of those whom appear to be but simply regurgitate information before they themselves even begin to understand it. So I am blessed in this way and forever thankful to have been able to identify sources of knowledge, as opposed to echo chamber rumblings in and around all subjects from vitality to the financial markets.
While I am not a student of coding technology either I do consider myself and my work thoroughly proficient in comprehending intentions and also see with great clarity, pattern recognition and the larger picture concerning things of tremendous consequence. And please know now that this message is every bit of that when concerning the direction of the new financial system and the new digital instruments those wise in society already call sound money. Again, I feel very blessed to have surrounded myself with very profound personalities and their work so I can expound on mine. It was Newton whom wrote “If I have seen further than other men it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants.”
What this message is about is how to capitalize on this move that will be the largest transfer of wealth of what we used to deem money that we will ever see, for even centuries to come. And all of this is occurring right now before all awakening eyes. Throughout history if one were to go back as many have and truly research how long certain monetary systems have been in place, it would in fact be quite shocking to many. Paper instruments of commerce have all vanished and changed to something else in relatively short periods of time, and perhaps even a larger point is that once paper money has been devalued to the point of beyond salvageable as ours is now, it has never returned, paper money. This is what history has revealed to us not by repeating as is often stated, but through patterns. As Voltaire noted in the 1700’s “paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value, zero.” I ask myself how did he know in the 1700’s?
This is nothing to be fearful of, however it should though be taken very seriously as we all have to live in a world now where we have to exchange our time and labors to even breathe, literally, with the new carbon zero weaponized agenda of more taxation through the climate change hoax.
So how does this relate to block chain technology and precious metals?
In every way because when we know the technology that will be utilized by the largest financial institutions in the world, even entire Nations, we are able to capitalize as they will, and are with such empowering prescient information. The alpha that they have and are also themselves rapidly attempting to further comprehend, is there for all to be discovered. The greatest of teachers though do not really tell people what to see, they simply share where to look, or what to observe. When we arm ourselves with such knowledge as the “elite” have, we are able to change the courses of our own lives and reclaim dominion over where we each decide to spend our most greatest gift, time. The time is in fact upon us. Each of us have the ability to gain literally generational wealth and other oppulenc’s such as freedom with these fundamental monetary system changes.
I first became aware of Bitcoin in around 2011 after taking over 12 years away from the financial markets as I was a stock trader and one of the original S.O.E.S. bandits from 1993 to around 2003. The term SOES, (short order execution system) bandit was used to describe a few of us because we were savvy enough to earn as the largest banks do and take some of their profits away from them. Many books were written about our offices around the country. Bitcoin then in 2011 was priced around 7.00, and a year or so before that it was in the pennies per coin. Since then it has risen to a height of over 60,000.
This means that one bitcoin could have been purchased for under a penny. And for every bitcoin for a penny that was purchased, less than 13 years later would have been worth over 60,000. This is how multi billionaires were created, and one of the defining points of this message is that it is occurring again right now. I can not be any more clear here. Only now things are moving much more rapidly, and this time it is not going to take 13 years to see these types of unfathomable gains. Hyperbitcoinization is here now. There is much talk of being left behind currently, especially with the predictive programming movie that I see is now out. This is precisely what is going to be the case, and it is truly unthinkable to the economic positions people are going to be forced into for not paying attention and becoming active in truth.
There are many just like bitcoin and technologies that already outperform bitcoin in every regard and on every level massively. Some of them are priced in the pennies, to a dime or sixty cents. Remember bitcoin was a penny, if you think it could not be have a look for yourself.
The title of this article though implies that it is my contention that Bitcoin, (BTC) the one that now everyone has heard of, is not the true bitcoin and is quickly turning into a meme coin. This though is actually tremendously useful in a somewhat unique way because meme coins actually bring more people to the technologies and entire block chain space, which makes not only their values rise in price, but other companies values as well and this also greatly relates to the technology becoming worldly adopted. So of course they have their place, many do not seem to realize the reason their projects have increased so much in value is mostly in part due to the attention around BTC. My point is at least know what you are investing in because BTC is not solving any real world problems to be sure. The original Bitcoin (BTC) which is now BSV or Satoshi’s Vision, I feel was created as a technology as I outlined to escape tyranny and manipulation. However it seemed what happened was that some of the original developers moved away from the first whitepaper vision of privacy as well as it being a truth ledger, to a more commercialized one that uses the blockchain for commerce which is what we see today with BTC.
However Bitcoin fairs very poorly, not as a chain because the stability and secureness of it is evidently sound without question. What is in question is its utility as an instrument of efficient exchange for the people as the following detailed reasons confirm.
Here is one example of why BTC is not even close to being the best choice to transfer value or funds from one person to another or business to business. On a larger scale recently there was a transaction which anyone is able to verify on chain where an individual was moving 5.1 million dollars of value, or 139 bitcoins, and to complete this transaction to cash out cost the person 3 million dollars. This of course is basically a hidden tax where only those at the top get paid. On a smaller scale everyday use of BTC is also not at all preferable to other chains for commerce because even moving very low amounts of 300.00 will cost in fees between 30.00 to 60.00 or 20% of the total, of course this will never be useful or close to anything efficient. And it is my and many others feeling that once the masses figure this out as they already are, BTC will become useless except to drive awareness to the ecosystem. Another refined point is that the payment settlement time. Although much better than typical banks which hold money for days, close on weekends and holidays, and limit withdrawals of your own money, the settlement time to receive bitcoin (BTC) can sometimes take 30 minutes. Not sure about you but I have noticed people are mostly always in a rush and feel not many are going to wait 30 minutes per transaction to purchase everyday goods or services.
The question then becomes why is the media pushing these two particular chains so hard, as Ethereum also has extremely high usage fees as BTC, and does not ever mention the ones that are far superior in the most useful of all aspects? Cost and efficiency to the end user this is the point. Especially after over a decade of telling the public that block chain technology and crypto currency is a scam and for money launderers, drug dealers etc. I will share with you why, in part because the largest institutions have not accumulated enough of the other projects yet, because they want to own it all and be in before you, so they can then sell it to you as opposed to you purchasing it on your own at astoundingly lower prices now as to where they are rapidly moving to. Then see they control the technology, its price action, and us at the same time. Have a listen to the supposed co founder of one of the largest asset management companies on this flat earth, blackrock. This network of highly unscrupulous entities literally are the primary shareholders of every single company on the planet and there are few exceptions. Listen to the way he finds it difficult to even string a couple of one syllable words together, is he really this dull or is he simply attempting to remember what he is allowed to say? I have heard three year olds who sound more intelligent than this, and he is supposedly managing trillions of dollars, right. He is managing nothing but his script from his masters and can hardly manage that as you will notice the more you hear him attempt to talk. This is not a personal attack on anyone, the deception is the issue. Notice all the names of those they put up before us on the acting stage also, Fink? Fink defined is synonymous with rat, snake, or snitch. Also we see Sam (uncle sam/government) Bank Man Fried? As in the staged FTX collapse to scare everyone away from the cryptocurrency markets. And there are literally countless others. The entire world is in fact a stage.
By the way what is money laundering anyway? Do they mean the Ukraine so called war? And who are the real drug dealing gangster war criminals that pilfer every one of us for every cent we have? How do public servants on record with salaries of 175k a year end up with hundreds of millions if not billions of unaccounted for dollars? Is that money laundering just so we are clear? The same ones that on record tell you cryptocurrencies are for criminals, are buying these assets.
Remember all this theatre is now in action with the “elite’s” marketing campaign centered around BTC and Ethereum, we are going to see it everywhere being marketed to the unsuspecting public for consumption because see now they are securing their positions and have been for the last ten years more than likely, remember telling us the entire time it is a scam.
As informed as Jack is though his remarks at the 1:33 mark is incorrect either by design or he does not know.—“Bitcoin (BTC) is the only monetary instrument in the history of our species that is fixed, it does not matter how much more demand comes into the asset class Kelly, no one will ever be able to make more of it” So here we have either someone that does genuinely not know, or he is simply supporting his holdings. BTC is in truth not the only financial instrument by any stretch to be the only one with a fixed supply, because XRP also does. XRP posses also the technology that is able to scale as well where BTC does not currently. It is circulating that even the first developers of BTC assert that BTC was built as a prototype for technology to come, and that BTC stands for beta test coin. His point about a fixed supply though is crucial for people to comprehend. This means that it cannot ever be debased or devalued by printing paper, such as the dollar. This means that cryptocurrency assets with fixed supplies are deflationary, which the “elites” controlling our futures detest, because they want us in debt.
So ask yourselves why does XRP trade under a dollar for the last six years and BTC at 45,000? In part the answer is because the price is being manipulated and the masses do not know that BTC is a meme coin yet, but they soon will, and right now is the opportunity of our lifetimes to get highly involved to potentially acquire generational wealth. There appears to be vastly greater block chain technologies and projects other than BTC, and the true researchers in this arena all know it. Even the developers of the original bitcoin themselves, you see these developers are not working on that chain anymore, they have moved to others. Some to privacy by default projects like dero or monero, and others to bsv, xrp, etc. I know because I communicate with them and read what they write publicly.
The world we are moving into is one of digitization. Whereby every single thing one can consider an asset will be digital. With this technology their is no need to trust anyone except yourself, there is no middleman to pay off, and no waiting times to conduct the movement of value. There is in upwards of 100 trillion dollars, possibly more coming into the block chain technology digital asset class and it is going to flow into the best of technologies in every genre from artificial intelligence, payment settlement, gaming, defi, real estate, etc.
Right now we see entire Nations, states, and the largest asset holding companies in the world such as black rock rushing into these technologies and projects, particularly the ones that solve very large costly problems such as cross border payment settlements, for things such as oil, precious metals, and other forms of energy.
If you do what they do the results they obtain will also be yours, minus the all the obvious criminality and utter bedlam they engage themselves in of course.
This is not in any way financial advice.
Things change faster than I can write and timing is everything. Do not buy or sell anything that others tell you this is setting you up for failure. Do nothing in haste, do thorough research and I do not advise blindly following people this is quite silly actually, but I do recommend to seek deeply what those you respect are seeking.
Might Peace Be With You and Yours.
Ahimsa, love, and anarchy, as without malevolent rulers
This article first appeared on in 2022