The Secret To Life Riddle Of Alchemy
An Alchemical Riddle Revealing The Secret To All Life With An Elusive One Word Answer
Pleasant Greetings.
There is one word describing what is necessary for not only transformation, but for generation, or creation to occur which has everything to do with health.
It will prove very useful for any individual to pay great to attention to antiquated material that has endured the course of what we know to be time. That which lasts through all the intentionally destroyed libraries, book burnings, weather, along with simply concealment, and yet still manages to reveal itself before us is a true testament to its strength and also content.
The following is indeed one of those priceless recordings.
“The key to life and death is everywhere to be found, but if you do not find it in your own house, you will find it nowhere. Yet, it is before everyone's eyes; no one can live without it; everyone has used it. The poor usually possess more of it than the rich; children play with it in the streets. The meek and uneducated esteem it highly, but the privileged and learned often throw it away. When rejected it lies dormant in the bowels of the earth. It is the only thing from which the Philosopher's Stone can be prepared, and without it, no noble metal can ever be created."
All begins with this most treasured word including to be sure our health. As powerful as love is, although it is an answer and key to life it is not this answer.
It is interesting that over the course of time spanning around twenty or so years I have posed this riddle to quite a few clients and friends, and only one person has throughout this time answered this mystical passage with the elusive term in question. Perhaps it is even more interesting to me that most whom gave up or seemed to not pay it much mind never even asked again about it. What can some old occult riddle teach us anyway?
What I write next is not meant to demean or pass any type of judgement on anyone, it does in fact come from a place of love I am simply attempting to illustrate a sharper point. Although some of the same people mentioned who seemingly lost enough interest to inquire about an answer will still sit and do crossword puzzles, or far worse watch a television. A word to the wise, doing crossword puzzles does nothing to enlighten anyone as you would simply being engaging in word recall or memorization exercises of something you already know, whereas concentrating ones mind on something of great value presented purposefully in such a mysterious way is what will expand awareness which is a key to growth. And then of course there is the mind control programming of television absorption which is the epitome of uselessness and the antithesis for human development and that of souls in comparison to anything, much less the expansive knowledge embedded in such esoteric works.
The following is also not the answer but a brief background of the subject here provided.
Alchemy. A term to be fully respected and highly acknowledged to be sure. A topical definition of the word alchemy can be begin with the first two letters being Al, which is Arabic for the, towards, or to, all indicating direction. Next we see chemy, or keme which also appears to have an origin attributed to Arabic and also Egypt since the word Khem was once the name for Egypt itself. Keme spelled this way also when translated further we see it stands for earth. Keme being the root word of chemistry, alchemy, and chemical. This is very fitting as the ancient Egyptians appeared to be supremely superior to most civilizations in their comprehension of all things, particularly regarding health and healing.
This is important for many quite astonishing reasons but for the sake of this message Alchemy, the earth, to the student of mysticism is known to be representative of our physical bodies.
Image Credit The Medieval World Anita Baker
There were a great number of our ancestors who focused their entire lives seeking answers to great questions, especially those concerning health and human involution and evolvement of the mind as well as spirit.
Thus the alchemist’s search for the philosphers’s stone, or, the golden elixir of life to not only enhance our physical and mental beings presently, but to more importantly garner the immortality offered through alchemical (towards) actions which create and further develop our souls. The most prominent spiritual studies are underpinned by alchemy or “the art”, and this art was considered to have originated from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, or Hermes thrice great. Hermes is thought by many including the Rosicrucian schools of mysteries to have lived at the same time as Moses. So it is even plausible to suggest that Moses was taught by Hermes which would have indeed influenced him attributing to his “I am” persona which is pronounced in the burning bush symbological Biblical story.
Alchemy though and the sacred knowledge it maintains was not referencing the literal turning of physical lead into gold as is often misunderstood, but to enrich and enliven that which is within, being our water, blood, and oils, and through purifying these internal elements so to will our spirits and awareness be exalted, turning these majestic essences from lead into gold. Sentient living beings are the gold. We are the silver. We are all of these noble elements and these mystifying substances are us.
As holistic mystics note, “the methods of alchemy can be found in the Kabballah and are hidden in stories in the Bible. Wherever you look and by whatever name you call it, it’s goal is to materialize spirit and spiritualize matter. It’s aim is the creation of the philosophers stone which enabled the alchemist to transmute and perfect all things, to cure all illness and dis—ease and even grant immortality.”
Some will ask if the Bible refers to alchemy at all, and some will respond that yes the great book has numerous verses regarding alchemy. However, I respond that the entire Bible is an astrological and alchemical treatise, a mystical book that is an allegorical and metaphorical masterpiece concerning regeneration and for many exacting reasons. “As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise” The book of Proverbs 27:21. “Do you know the mazzaroth? The book of Job 38:32. The mazzaroth literally translates to constellations from the Hebrew in which the original Bibles were scribed. These are but a few of the multitude of passages that adorn the Holy Bible.
Some highly revered names associated with alchemy other than perhaps the largest one of them all Hermes’, are Pythagoras, Paracelsus, John Dee (queen Elizabeth’s Astrologer), Hippocrates, Empedocles, Sir Isaac Newton, Aristotle, Ibn Sina, and numerous others. These were knowers that all physical, or material manifestations of matter are derived from the elements earth, air, fire and water, and that the holy trinity of all things made physical are in their essence, salts, mercury, and sulfur.
The readers can notice from the above image in the top corners and bottom of the ancient image the words in Latin, anima (soul), spiritus (spirit), and corpus (body). These are the The Tria Prima, which is derived from the Latin meaning the three primes. Salt, sulfur, and mercury.
Salt because all things physical, solid, or permanent are thus, such as the human body. Salt is synonymous with purification and cleansing. The twelve cellular salts are exactly generators of all things breathing. I have personally been writing about cellular salts and how imperative they are for health now for over 30 years. It is not a coincidence also that my birth month just happens to be the atomic number for sodium.
It is also not another coincidence that my birth day is in fact the exact atomic number of the queen of all minerals, and the other element I have been associating with great health for the same length of time. This is how the grand architect of the multiverse operates I have come to understand.
The second of the Tria Prima essence is mercury which relates to fluidity and possesses the ability to be altered such as our mind and spirits. Mercury is known as “the messenger”, Isaac Newton wrote extensively on Mercury and its overwhelming association with transformation.
And the third of the great triad Sulfur, which represents all things combustible such as the human soul, that which is bathing in Leonic fire which produces love. Sulfuric fire, the reason for one’s prosperity and another’s troubles as this is duality. Soul Fur is indeed our spirit and the necessary heat associated with being.
And so here we see the Tria Prima which are signifying body (salts), mind (mercury), and our souls (sulfur).
This has been forbidden knowledge for centuries. It is most excellent to see so much prescient work being done by this many of our fellow beings, expounding upon such incredible material. Much respect to each of you as well as to the readers as we all continue to unfold into our destiny.
What is the answer to the riddle?
Might Peace Be Upon You and Yours
Arete Everyone!
I’ve been thinking about this riddle for YEARS since I first heard it from y’all. Is it frequency?